Weather in Belarus
The prospects for promoting Belarusian products through marketplaces were discussed in the program "Main Air" by the Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of Belarus Artur Karpovich.
According to him, a person is lazy. "That is why each of us uses electronic platforms, orders goods where you can choose from a wide range at affordable prices. Of course, this will develop and is developing all over the world," he is sure. "We must quickly introduce domestic producers there as widely as possible. The task is in no way to suppress online trade. It will develop, whether we want it or not."
According to him, the online trade market in Belarus can increase by 5-7 per year. "This is a normal figure," the minister said.
The head of the department said that he had familiarized himself with the government's proposals on the fair price formula. The minister assured that there are enough offline trading platforms in Belarus.
"We have social standards for the availability of retail and consumer services facilities, they are being implemented. There are some rough edges with servicing the population in rural areas. These are social issues that have fallen primarily on the shoulders of our consumer cooperatives. It is necessary to pay special attention to the development of this area, because people should not suffer."